Children’s toys will never go out of style - The question is, what’s trending and what are children playing with? DIG will take care of that!
Trend & Safety Analysis
We make it our business to understand what kids like to play with - whether it’s slinkys, fidget spinners, pop-its or licensed toys - we design on-trend toys that meet safety standards.
Sell-Through is Our Goal
We help retail buyers source toys with good sell-through. We understand the pressure you face as a buyer sourcing quality toys with good margins. In addition to dealing with seasonality, retailers follow the most stringent set of regulations that underpin international toy safety, even more stringently than the food industry.
Real-Time R&D
We understand toys change and evolve faster than any other consumer product, with most top-selling lines changing every year to reflect the latest technology, current hit television series and films, and the demands of a new generation of children who all want to make their own choices. Let DIG help make things easier by designing, deploying and executing to deliver to your expectations.